Art and music are known to be basic human functions, therefore it is hard for them to do without them. This article contains a list of music schools in South Africa where you can get this all important Art as well as the several reasons you should study music.
Category: Vocational Schools in the World
21 Top Catering Schools in Nigeria with their fees and address
Planning an event can be really exhausting and overwhelming. This is because there are so many things to put into
20 Beauty and Cosmetology schools in Nigeria{ Address & Contacts}
The Cosmetology is a fast moving industry with a lot of diverse opportunities. This article contains a list of 20 Cosmetology schools in Port Harcourt and other frequently asked questions.
13 Top Fashion schools in Abuja: fees, address & Contacts.
Here is a comprehensive article on the Top fashion schools in Abuja, their fees, their contacts and address. This article is equally detailed on frequently asked questions by students as regards the fashion industry.
17 Top Fashion Schools in Abeokuta{Address and Contacts}
The fashion industry is a continuously growing one, If you are considering any of the fashion schools in Abeokuta, then this article is for you.
25 Top Catering schools in Kaduna{address & contacts}
The importance of attending a catering school can not be overemphasized. This article therefore contains the list of top catering schools in Kaduna.
33 Top Fashion schools in Kaduna{contacts & address}
The fashion industry is constantly trending and I think it is perfect to be explored. Here is a complete list of the fashion schools in Kaduna with their contacts and address.
12 Top Culinary schools in Johannesburg{address and Contacts}
Culinary art is the oldest and multi dimensional art you will find out there today. It is an art of
32 Top Fashion schools in Enugu{contacts and Address}
Should I attend a fashion school? This particular question must have been running through your mind for some time now.
10 Known Catering schools in Enugu{address, contacts}
Catering simply is the business of providing food services to individuals or group of individuals. That’s not all, it could