10 of Top Cosmetology schools in Corpus Christi

Choosing to attend any of the Cosmetology schools in Corpus Christi will expose you to so many amazing jobs. You might be wondering: why should I go to a cosmetology school?

There are so many exciting career choices for you down the line, therefore ensure you check out these career choices before exploring any of the Cosmetology schools in Corpus Christi to choose from.

Corpus Christi is a coastal city in the south Texas region of the United States.

The city’s population was estimated to be 326,586 in 2019, making it the eighth-most populous city in Texas.

Are there many job opportunities available to graduate students? 

Yes, there is an abundance of jobs in the field of cosmetology.

According to the U.S. Labor Department, there is an average of 3 jobs for each cosmetology school graduate.

This means there is a unique zero unemployment factor in the beauty industry.

List of the Cosmetology schools in Corpus Christi

  • Aveda Institutes
  • Beauty College
  • The Strand Institute of Beauty & Esthetics
  • Southern Careers Institute Corpus Christi
  • Institute of Cosmetic Arts & Sciences
  • House of Elegance Cosmetology School
  • Hair Expressions Barber School
  • Blessed Hands Barber Cosmetology College
  • South Texas Barber College
  • Del Mar College – Windward Campus

Aveda Institutes

This is one of the Cosmetology schools in Corpus Christi that has in it a Cosmetology school and an Esthiology School.

This institute was opened in the year 1977 as a co-conscious, wellness-oriented alternative to traditional beauty schools.

This school is where you are certain to gain valuable experience providing in-demand contemporary services to real clients.

Aveda Institute’s esthiology training combines age-old Ayurvedic knowledge with modern science, resulting in a truly holistic mind-body approach to skincare.

Therefore, be prepared for technologies and techniques that clients are requesting in spas and skin-care clinics today.

Aveda Arts Corpus Christi
1110 Ayers St
Corpus Christi, TX 78404-3027
Call 1-361-992-5000

Beauty College

This is one of the cosmetology schools in Corpus Christi with licensed instructors.

They offer quality education and hands-on training as well as continuing education, support, and assistance with career placements.

Some of the programs offered in this institution include:

Cosmetology: Cosmetology in this school is the most popular program you’ll learn a lot about HAIR. Transforming you from a student to a LICENSED HAIRSTYLIST in three easy steps.

Esthetician: Sometimes estheticians are called facialists. This course in this college is completed in as little as five months, therefore getting you ready for your beautiful career.

Nail technician course: Beauty college is one of the cosmetology schools in Corpus Christi that teaches nail technician application techniques and business strategies.

In 4 months you will focus on product knowledge, client safety, technique, speed and building a clientele.


The Strand Institute of Beauty & Esthetics

The primary purpose of their courses is to train the student in:

  • basic manipulative skills;
  • safety judgements;
  • proper work habits, and
  • desirable attitudes.

This training is necessary to achieve competency in job entry-level skills, obtain licensure, and gainful employment in their field of choice.

The clock-hour education is provided through a sequential set of learning steps that address specific tasks necessary for state board preparation, graduation and job entry-level skills. Student salon equipment, implements, and products are comparable to those used in the industry. 

The Strand Institute
1018 US Hwy. 181
Portland, Texas 78374
Website: https://www.thestrandinstitute.edu/

Southern Careers Institute Corpus Christi

At Southern Careers Institute, their courses are all built from an employer’s point of view with the career skills and certifications they’re looking for in their next hire.

Students who enrol in their medical, business, cosmetology and trades training programs become more marketable than the competition as their programs are designed to make students eligible for recognized certifications.

2422 Airline Road
Corpus Christi, TX 78414

Visit Website

House of Elegance Cosmetology School

House of Elegance Cosmetology School provides superior instruction and learning opportunities for students interested in a career in the exciting cosmetology industry.

They offer classes for aspiring cosmetology students and for those who desire to attain their instructor’s license.

If this is what you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with them to learn more about what they offer.

4515 Weber Rd
Corpus Christi, Texas 78411


Others on our list are:

Institute of Cosmetic Arts & Sciences
1105 Airline Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78412, United States
Phone: +1 361-991-1356
Hair Expressions Barber School 4027 Ayers St #4641, Corpus Christi, TX 78415, United States
Phone: +1 361-225-1041
Del Mar College – Windward CampusHarvin Center, Room 230
Del Mar College East Campus 101 Baldwin Blvd.
Corpus Christi, TX 78404-3897
Blessed Hands Barber Cosmetology College11101 Leopard St, Corpus Christi, TX 78410, United States
Phone: +1 361-356-0899
South Texas Barber College3917 Ayers St, Corpus Christi, TX 78415, United States
Phone: +1 361-855-0262

Cosmetology Schools In Corpus Christi – Frequently Asked Questions

When it comes to cosmetology schools in Corpus Christi, below are some frequently asked questions.

How old do I have to be to start the beauty program?

To start classes at Bella Beauty College you have to be at least 16 years of age.

I have a Job, can I still attend a cosmetology school?

Yes, all you need to do is check out some schools with flexible programs such as Bella Beauty College.

There are schools that can set up a personalized schedule to fit your busy life.

Are there cosmetology schools that offer financial assistance?

Yes, most cosmetology schools in Corpus Christi offer financial aid and other varieties of payment options to their students.

Bella beauty college offers seasonal scholarships and performance scholarships based on a students personal situation.

Do I need to take an exam to attain my license?

Yes, in order to become a licensed cosmetologist, you will take a written and practical exam off-site at a testing centre designated by the state of Texas.  

Most cosmetology schools have a stage where you will thoroughly prepare for both your written and practical exams.

What is the average starting salary for those entering the field? 

The average starting salary for a cosmetologist is around $24,000.

However, as you advance your salary will increase.

According to U.S. Labor Department statistics, the national average salary is $33,700.

But then the average salary for a cosmetologist practising in Texas is $47,450.


Our next article will cover the following:

  • Bella beauty college waco
  • House of elegance cosmetology school
  • Del mar cosmetology
  • Bella beauty college price

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