21 Best Productivity Apps for Students:Their Important Features

Productivity tools come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and they frequently take different approaches to improve apps for students’ workflow.

So I’m not going to list a bunch of apps and claim that they’ll solve all of your problems.

I’ll walk you through a selection of the top 20+ time management and productivity apps for students that will help you get so much more in every hour of your study time.

The List of Best Productivity Apps For Students

The following are the top 20 best productivity apps for students that will help students maximax their study period.

# 1. Serene (macOS)

Serene is a macOS application made to support deep work and goal-achieving for modern teams, freelancers, and remote workers.

This app will come up several times in this article because it can help with all of the objectives we’re looking at: getting organized, developing better habits, and sharpening focus.

In order to increase your productivity, Serene organizes your tasks in a special way. It encourages you to set one goal per day and then break this goal down into smaller tasks in order to avoid getting sidetracked by activities that don’t advance your daily objective.

#2. Todoist 

A task management tool called Todoist claims to make lengthy to-do lists simple to handle. It functions a lot like a personal Trello (without the cards), making it easier for you to stay on top of your own tasks and make sure nothing is forgotten.

Important characteristics:

  • No matter how long your to-do list may be, managing tasks is simple with the help of a slick, feature-rich interface.
  • Task prioritization will help you complete the most crucial tasks first.
  • Project objectives: Establish project objectives and monitor your progress throughout.

Reports: Utilize Todoist’s measurement and reporting tools to monitor your progress.

#3. Wunderlist

The task management app Wunderlist has a ton of high-tech features. Wunderlist feels very much like a Trello alternative built around to-do lists rather than cards, while Todoist is designed for individuals while Trello is for teams.

Instead of using cards, you make lists and organize them into folders that every team member (if you have one) can access and modify as necessary.

Important characteristics:

  • Task lists For bigger tasks or projects, create to-do lists for individuals or teams and organize them into folders.
  • Management of tasks Add comments or notes, assign tasks, set deadlines, and set reminders.

Wunderlist is a seriously potent platform, similar to Trello, that provides a ton of productivity features for either no cost or a small monthly subscription fee. Check out your favorites.

#4. Trello 

Trello is a simple, easy-to-use project management app for collaborative teams. The platform is based on the Kanban board philosophy, a visual layout that originates from Japan, which you can see below.

Tasks are essentially added and organized on “to-do,” “going,” and “done” statuses, which aids teams in monitoring development. Boards (the entire view above) and cards, which can each contain multiple tasks, are two ways that tasks can be organized. Groups or team members can be given specific tasks with deadlines and checklists.

Important Characteristics:

  • Trello is a straightforward, user-friendly project management tool for teams that work together.
  • Task lists You can make to-do lists, add deadlines, assign them to people, and track the completion of tasks.
  • Trello boards: Dashboards for managing lists of cards with tasks and to-do lists.
  • Invite anyone from anywhere in the world to assist you in achieving your goals.
  • Discuss tasks with team members in real-time via instant messaging.

#5. Notion

Taking notes and performing simple task management tasks are both made possible by the multi-use app Notion. Because of its versatility, it is referred to as an all-in-one workspace app. Notion gives you the flexibility and creativity to organize however you want, in contrast to other note-taking apps that impose a very rigid organizational structure on you.

Important Duties

  • Powerful note-taking with rich text formatting
  • Task sharing and assignment
  • For item organization, create pages and folders.
  • Add reminders and due dates.
  • Create templates or utilize those that are already there.
  • Create a number of views (Kanban board, table, list, gallery, timeline, calendar)
  • Synchronize with a variety of other programs, including Google Drive and TypeForm

#6. Todoist

Todoist is essentially the best option if you have trouble managing tasks and need a more straightforward to-do list. With Todoist, you can replace the daily frustrations of handling several projects at once with a more productive method of task management. This app stands out from other productivity tools due to its simplicity.

Important Duties

  • Organize projects and tasks by adding tasks and using color codes.
  • Use templates to create reusable project checklists.
  • integrate with Dropbox and Google Drive.
  • Location-based and automatic reminders
  • Gmail emails should be transferred and added as tasks.
  • With the measurement and report features, you can monitor progress.

#7. RescueTime

Another free productivity app that prevents time wastage is RescueTime. It helps you maintain control over time-sensitive tasks. You can track your time using the dashboard in this app on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You can enable notifications for every task that is finished.

Important Duties

  • Monitor the amount of time you spend using various apps.
  • Block notifications from websites and apps to stay focused.
  • Notify you if an app is taking up more of your time.
  • Monitoring progress using a single dashboard
  • sent by mail: a weekly report on activities and productivity scores.

Compared to the other productivity apps on this list, Forest App is unique. It functions more like a game than a productive tool. This app reminds you to put your devices away for at least five minutes while you work on significant projects. For every five minutes, you spend away from your devices, the Forest App plants a virtual tree. Additionally, it is available as a Chrome extension, allowing for use on a PC.

#8. Forest App 

Price: Free for Android; $1.99 for iOS

The Forest App will assist you in putting your phone down for a while if it is a major source of distraction for you.

Important Duties

  • A timer that has been gamified for a bit of fun
  • reduce the amount of time you spend on your phone
  • Boost productivity

#9. Otter

When you can’t write down an idea, Otter is a useful AI voice transcription app. You could speak into your phone and have the app transcribe your words into readable texts as accurately as possible when you find it difficult to quickly take notes, such as when you’re in a meeting or webinar.

Important Duties

  • For later review, highlight the important details.
  • Automatically capitalize, punctuate, and end paragraphs
  • Invite your coworkers to jointly view, edit, and highlight.
  • Train Otter to recognize speakers by tagging the speakers to label the paragraphs.
  • Exporting text as MP3 and PDF, TXT, or SRT
  • Audio and video import
  • To transcribe cloud recordings, connect with Zoom.
  • Integration of calendars to receive alerts to log events and auto-title your notes.
  • automatic data backup to the Otter cloud

#10.  Evernote

A digital notebook called Evernote is used for taking notes and outlining complex ideas and events. This app has a wide range of features that are all focused on making note-taking easier. You can upload a photo of a handwritten note to this app, store it, and download it as needed. Digital sketches, PDFs, and notes with photos can all be recorded.

Important Duties

  • To add a note, drag and drop important documents.
  • Bring in handwritten notes for the app.
  • Lookup PDF text, including tags, titles, body text, and more.
  • Make important notebooks accessible offline.
  • Establish a to-do list.
  • templates are already included.
  • integrate software

#11. Grove HR

Grove HR is here to help with all of your project management and HR needs. This flexible platform automates hiring, time-tracking, payroll, and more while making it easier to document employee profiles and policies. You can concentrate more on expanding your business if you spend less time on manual HR tasks.

Important Duties

  • Utilize the hiring pipeline to automate hiring
  • Greetings to newcomers via personalized message and automatic invitation
  • Keep track of the checklists for onboarding.
  • Keep abreast of business news.
  • Utilizing the Time Off Management feature, schedule and oversee leave requests.
  • Track and compile time-attendance information for processing payroll.
  • Use the mobile app to complete your tasks wherever you are.

 #12. Zapier

Working on various platforms can be demanding. You can save time and effort by using Zapier as an automation tool instead of having to switch between various apps. By integrating and automating your most-used apps, this app offers a streamlined experience.

Important Duties

  • Integrate apps to avoid switching between multiple ones too frequently.
  • Peruse Zapier’s collection of pre-built automation or Zaps.
  • Make your automation unique.
  • history of the task
  • Activity dashboard to monitor the development

#13. Slack 

Slack is merely a tool for communication that simplifies the process of sending information through various channels. One of the productivity apps that is primarily concerned with information loss prevention is this one. Unlike emails, Slack categorizes your messages according to tasks and projects, allowing other team members to join or leave conversations that are not relevant to them.

Slack offers voice and video calling capabilities for enhanced communication.

Important Duties

  • Use various team channels to communicate.
  • Make a voice or video call.
  • Integration of a third party
  • Star and pin messages that need to be addressed first.
  • Set the status of availability.
  • Screen sharing with the team

#14. Airtable

With additional task management features, Airtable functions are similar to spreadsheet functions. You can make tasks, assign them, include notes, add attachments, and set statuses. Airtable is a more practical software to use for groups that have grown to love Excel.

Important Duties

  • Organize and keep track of projects from various angles
  • Team members can interact with projects, add messages, update task statuses, and prioritize their workflows.
  • Support across platforms.
  • Create checkboxes, text notes, attachments, or links in fields as desired.
  • Track supplies in the field

#15. MindMeister

The ideal app for visualizing your ideas and communicating them to team members for accurate evaluation is MindMeister. With the help of this collaboration tool, you can record the development of your ideas and thoughts. Slides can be used to map out concepts, and team members can give their candid assessments of the project.

Important Duties

  • Meister Task app integration for project management
  • Exchange links to mind map with other programs
  • With history mode, you can retrieve previous or deleted ideas.
  • Task-sharing with team members
  • Personalized themes
  • Transmit data by including files
  • Templates for mind maps built-in

#16. Calendar

The AI-powered Google Calendar is the next option for better scheduling management. The calendar keeps track of all upcoming meetings and events so that you don’t miss anything crucial. You can schedule events and meetings for different days using this app. Additionally, since you can’t schedule two events in an hour, you never have meetings or events conflict.

Important Duties

  • Integration of AI
  • Utilize color-coding to order events.
  • Combines with Gmail and Google Task
  • There are no conflicts between events or tasks.

#17. Office 365

Office 365 is a collection of productivity apps with different features that facilitates the transfer of information. Outlook, SharePoint, OneNote, Word, Excel, OneDrive, Microsoft Teams, PowerPoint, Yammer, and other programs are just a few of the embedded apps.

Office 365 is a fairly potent productivity app because each of these apps has a variety of useful features that increase productivity.

Important Duties

  • Collection of apps for different purposes.
  • Voice and video calls over Skype are integrated.
  • You can use all the features even without a network connection.
  • synchronize with smartphones
  • Up to 50GB of email storage.
  • editing and document conversion.

 #18. Airtable

With additional task management features, Airtable functions are similar to spreadsheet functions. You can make tasks, assign them, include notes, add attachments, and set statuses. Airtable is a more practical software to use for groups that have grown to love Excel.

Important Duties

  • Organize and keep track of projects from various angles
  • Team members can interact with projects, add messages, update task statuses, and prioritize their workflows.
  • support across platforms
  • Create checkboxes, text notes, attachments, or links in fields as desired.
  • Track supplies in the field

#19. WeDo 

$4.99/month, $39.99/year, or a one-time payment of $159.99

WeDo was initially created with students in mind, but it has since grown to be a respectable work/life task management tool for professionals as well. With WeDo, there is a focus on achieving work-life balance, and the app aims to make this more doable for you.

The fact that the apps ask you how long tasks take you after you complete them and how you felt about them is another intriguing feature. You can see how your speed and attitude toward repetitive tasks and other aspects of life (work, diet, exercise, etc.) improve by adding all of this to your reporting data.

Important characteristics:

  • Task lists Make a list of things to do, assign due dates, add reminders, and prioritize them.
  • Folders: Use folders to collect related lists.
  • Ranking tasks: Keep track of the time it takes you to complete tasks, their importance, and your feelings about them.
  • Lists of habits: Make distinct lists for each new habit you want to acquire.
  • Subtasks: Divide larger tasks into smaller, easier-to-manage tasks.
  • Estimate the number of time tasks will take and adjust your schedule accordingly.

#20. HabitShare

By encouraging you to update your friends on your progress, HabitShare adds a social media spin to the process of creating better habits. The idea is to increase the pressure on you to meet your goals, similar to how it becomes harder to skip the gym when you go with a friend.

Important characteristics:

  • Custom habits: Design daily and weekly habits that fit your unique objectives.
  • Reminders: Set up reminders to aid in the retention of your new routines.
  • Share the victory With friends, you can discuss your progress to increase rewards and motivation.
  • Privacy: You decide which of your habits each friend can see; by default, all habits are private.

#21. ClickUp

For the power users among you, ClickUp is one of the best productivity apps for students, bringing everything under one project-oriented roof. Instead of a Subway sandwich stuffed to the brim with everything, let’s say you’re searching for a single location where you can do everything you consider to be “productive.” The outcome in this instance is exceptional.

In addition to having access to task lists, documents, wikis, spreadsheets, event tracking, and project management tools, the app also allows you to send and receive emails.

You can keep track of the time you devote to different objectives and tasks. You can also record your screen and take screenshots.


Now that you’ve got a list of the best productivity apps for students, it’s time to start doing some serious studying.

You’re out of excuses now because some of these apps are cross-platform. In all seriousness, your time in college is very significant, so you must exert every effort to maintain focus and finish the assignments.

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