How to Become a Paramedic in Ireland-5 Best Steps

Are you interested in the steps on how to become a paramedic in Ireland? If yes, then Ireland has some great opportunities for you and this article might be perfect for you.

This guide contains steps in detail on how you can become a paramedic in Ireland, Europe.

Ireland is one of the safest countries in Europe. The country also offers a wide range of employment opportunities. Ireland has some of the highest rates of emergency medical services (EMS) in Europe. 

The country has over 2,500 paramedics working across its public ambulance service. This number is expected to rise to 3,000 by 2020.

There are a variety of reasons you might be thinking about joining the large Ireland paramedic field.

This article provides information about the training requirements for Irish paramedics. 

It also explains why becoming a paramedic is a good choice for those interested in pursuing a career in healthcare.

About Paramedics

Paramedics are highly trained professionals who provide emergency medical care at the scene of an accident or other medical emergencies. They also transport patients to hospitals. 

As a paramedic, you will frequently be among the first to arrive when a patient requires assistance.

You’ll need to act quickly to take control of the situation in order to save lives in this fast-paced and crucial role.

Paramedics are required to complete a two-year program after high school. The training involves both classroom learning and practical experience. 

Students are taught basic life support skills and advanced techniques such as:  

  • Airway management

  • Intravenous therapy

  • Cardiac resuscitation

  • Applying traction and spinal splints

  • Administering medicine, oxygen and intravenous drips

  • Using medical equipment for emergencies, such as end-tidal oxygen, defibrillators and pulse oximeters.

  • Working with other emergency services such as the fire, police, coast guard, and the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI)

Taking a course will introduce you to the basics of paramedics and equip you with the knowledge needed to start your career as a paramedic.

Is It Hard to Become a Paramedic in Ireland?

Starting training to become a paramedic can be difficult and time-consuming, but, it gets easier after getting hands-on experience.

Just like every other job, being a paramedic comes with its own challenges.

Being a paramedic requires a lot of commitment to learning, possibly a lifetime commitment. It is also a 24/7 obligation.

Even though it is harder than most people imagine, if it is the correct career for you, it will ultimately pay off.

What Is the Average Salary of a Paramedic in Ireland?

Just like every other profession, the salary of a paramedic in Ireland is affected by different factors including experience and lots more.

The National Health Service (NHS) Agenda for Change pay scales in the UK cover paramedic salaries. Following a newly qualified paramedic pathway for two years, paramedics frequently advance to a higher band.

In Ireland, a paramedic makes an average gross income of EUR 34,663 per year or roughly EUR 2,890 per month. 

A paramedic in Ireland can expect to make an annual starting salary of about EUR 27,992 gross, while the highest paramedic’s annual gross pay can go up to and even exceed EUR 39,069.

Benefits for paramedics may include relocation assistance, study time off for sponsored courses, the NHS pension plan, and access to counseling and physiotherapy services.

Working Environment of Paramedics

Due to the possibility of having to respond to an emergency anyplace, paramedics occasionally work both indoors and outside. 

They provide medical attention at the scene of the accident and could keep treating patients in the ambulance. Their working conditions can be demanding, unpleasant, and occasionally dangerous. 

They perform a variety of physically demanding duties that may put them at risk for illness or injury.

Additionally, paramedics put in long shifts throughout the day. Some shifts, including nights and weekends, may range from 12 to 24 hours. 

They typically work rotational shifts so they can take extended rests in between 24-hour sessions.

Basic Requirements to Become a Paramedic in Ireland

Before pursuing a profession as a paramedic you must have obtained at least five passes at the Ordinary Level of the Leaving Certificate Examination (or its EU academic equivalent), including passes in Mathematics and a Science subject.

Nevertheless, if you do not have the above requirements,

  1. you must have a Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC) EMT certificate.
  2. you must possess a Primary Degree from an accredited third-level institution

Prior to the deadline for applications, applicants must also be in possession of a complete B and C1 category license.

Although it had not been necessary as of the application deadline, a full D1 license is also necessary and must be obtained within one year of the contract’s start date or within one year of the applicant’s 21st birthday.

5 Steps on How to become a paramedic in Ireland

Here are the steps to become a paramedic in Ireland

1. Enroll in a Paramedic Diploma Program

In Ireland, you must engage in a paramedic diploma program in order to become a paramedic. 

In every part of the province, both public and private career colleges offer diploma programs. The selection of which institution to attend is important, so carefully consider your options and take your time.

Consider the college’s reputation, tuition costs, and geographic location while selecting the best college for you. 

If at all possible, explore the campus to determine whether you will fit in. Talking to present or former students is also a good idea. Send your application and wait for a response after making your choice.

2. Graduate with a Paramedic Diploma

You will have taken a step toward becoming a paramedic if you are accepted into a paramedic diploma program. 

You’ll pick up a variety of practical and theoretical skills in college. From one college to another, the exact program material may differ. 

You’ll need to get in touch with the college you’re interested in to find out more details about the program’s curriculum.

Typically, paramedic students study subjects including pathophysiology, pharmacology, psychology, and anatomy. 

Along with these topics, they study first aid, emergency trauma patient care, and emergency medical patient care. 

Additionally, they study human interactions, ethical concerns, and ambulance operations.

These courses are designed to get you ready for the daily activities you’ll deal with as a paramedic.

3. Pass the Certification Exam

After earning your college degree, you must ace a certification test. The Advanced Emergency Medical Care Assistant (A-EMCA) exam is the name of this test. 

On scenarios from actual ambulance calls, the multiple-choice questions are built. You will be questioned on a variety of topics, including the ambulance act, infection control, and vehicle operating.

To pass the A-EMCA exam, you have three chances. A passing grade is one that is at least 70%. 

Once you’ve failed three times, you can try again after remedial instruction. However, you won’t have to worry about failing if you put in the necessary study time while in college.

4. Apply to Work as a Paramedic

Once you have earned your college degree and passed the certification exam, you can begin your job search. 

Paramedics can work for a variety of organizations. You undoubtedly already know that ambulance services can hire paramedics. There are numerous different jobs you might do if you don’t want to work for an ambulance service.

Paramedics may be required by hospitals or fire services. There are various government offices and organizations that hire paramedics. Paramedics are also needed by some private businesses. 

For instance, paramedics can be required on-site for manufacturing or mining enterprises. Whenever you are looking for a job, be flexible. 

You might be pleasantly surprised by the excellent prospects you discover at surprising businesses.

5. Pass Pre-Employment Testing

Compared to what you might be used to, the interview procedure for paramedic employment is a little different. 

Pre-employment tests must be taken in addition to a face-to-face interview. This test demonstrates to your potential employer that you are qualified for the position.

Every employer has a different testing procedure. You can anticipate being evaluated on your lifting, driving, and reaction to trauma patient care scenarios. 

You shouldn’t have any issue performing these tasks after earning your college degree and passing a certification exam.

6. Start practicing As A Paramedic

For those seeking to interact with the public and offer emergency medical services, being a paramedic can be fulfilling. 

Even though the job can be demanding at times, it’s essential to communities and the medical industry. When deciding whether this is the correct health care role for you, it can be helpful to understand what this role entails, including salary and duties. 

Skills Required to Succeed as a Paramedic in Ireland

You’ll need a variety of skills in addition to training and certification to succeed as a paramedic in Ireland. Among these skills are:

1. Outstanding Verbal Communication

In order to respond to emergencies as a team, paramedics must rapidly and effectively communicate with one another. 

To choose the optimal course of treatment, you must be able to get information from the patient. 

Also, you need to precisely convey to the hospital the situation that occurred and what treatment the patient received.

2. The Ability to Maintain Composure in Demanding Circumstances

Being calm yourself is important for maintaining patient calmness. The choices you make in this high-pressure career could change someone’s life. 

You must have faith in your technical expertise and experience in order to make such critical decisions swiftly. Volunteering and training from before are crucial for the work.

3. General Understanding of Medicine and Healthcare 

You must be competent to diagnose medical injuries and administer basic care as a paramedic. 

This entails keeping abreast of the most recent medical advancements as well as prevalent ailments and injuries.

4. Good Knowledge of Security and Public Safety 

You need to be familiar with the town or city where you work and appreciate how crucial public safety is there. 

You must also be able to maneuver around the town’s busy streets and crowded regions. You need to get to the hospital as soon as possible without putting others in danger.

5. Ability to be Sensitive and Understanding

As a paramedic, you will frequently treat patients as they are in shock and discomfort shortly after an accident. 

So that the emergency does not worsen, you must be able to comfort and calm the patient. 

Additionally, you must be able to gently explain the problem to the patient’s family members while demonstrating empathy and compassion for their difficulties.

6. Basic Software Knowledge

You must maintain correct patient records after treating and stabilizing patients. Utilizing the software your employer provides is typically required for this.

7. Good Customer Service Skills

As a representative of a larger organization like the NHS, you must treat individuals with respect and offer top-notch customer service. 

You must respect each patient and make an effort to respond to all of their inquiries about what is happening.

Having these skills as a paramedic alongside your training and certifications gives you an edge over those who have only obtained the certifications.

Now, let’s look at some of the frequently asked questions on how to become a paramedic in Ireland

How long does it take to become a paramedic in Ireland?

You must successfully complete a paramedic science degree or an apprenticeship degree in order to practice as a paramedic. 

As a licensed paramedic, you’ll subsequently need to register with the Health and Care Professions Council and apply to an ambulance service (HCPC).

Typically, paramedic science programs last three to four years of full-time study and combine theory and practice, including fieldwork with ambulance services.

Can I become a paramedic without a medical degree?

A paramedic can work without having a degree in paramedic science. Without a degree in paramedic science, you can work as an ambulance care assistant or pursue a paramedic apprenticeship.

What Age Can I Become a Paramedic in Ireland?

To apply to become a paramedic in Ireland, you should be a minimum of 18 years old. Although there is no maximum age, your eligibility to apply will be established by your capacity to meet the role’s physical and mental requirements.

Is a Paramedic Career Worth it?

Being a paramedic is a really satisfying profession. The typical position of a paramedic in an ambulance service can occasionally be physically, psychologically, and emotionally taxing, and managing long shift schedules that interfere with family ties and interfere with social responsibilities can be challenging. 

However, paramedics deliver and support life, deal with death, and all in between, therefore job satisfaction is thought to be high. 

The chance to make a difference, to do something meaningful, and to assist someone in their time of greatest need comes with working as a paramedic outside of a hospital setting when patients are often at their most vulnerable.

In a variety of healthcare settings, the paramedic function is developing, continually appearing, and becoming more effective and valuable.


If you’re interested in becoming a paramedic, we hope this blog post has given you some food for thought. 

Remember, the first step is always the hardest, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t get the results you want right away! With time and perseverance, you will be well on your way to becoming a paramedic.

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