20 Available & Best in demand jobs in Canada for international students

AS you all know, one of the major advantages of studying in Canada is the ability of students to work while studying. But before making that choice of institution, there are a few things which you will need to know about working and studying in Canada.

In this article, we shall be discussing the most part-time in-demand jobs in Canada for international students and you will be able to know the highest paying part-time jobs in Canada for international students as well as the part-time jobs for students in Canada salary.

Most international students can work up to 20 hours a week and then full time during scheduled breaks, without a work permit.

As obvious as it seems, working while you study helps students a lot in supporting themselves and these in demand jobs in Canada for international students can help them network and build connections.

What’s the eligibility to work and study in Canada?

Working in Canada while you study is very possible as there are several in demand jobs in Canada for international students. However, there are eligibilities.

First, you have to be enrolled full-time on any of the designated learning institutions.

secondly, You need to have a study permit.

Your study permit contains a very vital statement which you need to apply for the Social security number.

With those two, you can work anywhere without a work permit. Consequently, you can equally work for any employer in Canada in any field.

International students also have the opportunity to work on campus at their own wish.

However, working off-campus simply is working for an employer outside of the campus.

While working on Campus means students working for any employer right inside the campus.

Most importantly, you cannot start working in any of the in-demand jobs in Canada for international students except you start your study program.

Sufficient Financial resources

Even though you plan to work while studying as an international student in Canada, you must have in mind that you need to demonstrate sufficient financial resources during your period of application.

Why do you have to do this? This is to prove that you have enough money to take care of your expenses during the time you will be studying there.

How to get in demand jobs in Canada for international students

Do international students get jobs in Canada? Yes, they do. Interestingly being eligible for jobs in Canada seems so easy, upon arrival, you will need to look for a job. you might find the fact that most in demand jobs in Canada for international students love to employ students. Especially for part-time positions.

Here are simples things you need to do to qualify for such jobs.

Firstly, you need to prepare your resume. That is obviously the first thing to do before looking for jobs.

Your resume as well as the cover letter does a very vital job. They are the two things proven to catch your employer’s interest. This is where you stand out.

You need to make sure your resume is up to date and is in line with the expectations of employers in Canada.

Through your resume and cover letter, you are able to reveal your identity, your personality and your achievements.

Where to find these jobs

There are so many places to find these in demand jobs in Canada for international students.


There are several websites where you can start looking for jobs; websites like Indeed, Craigslist, and Monster. They have hundreds of opportunities for part-time employment.

However, there may be other job websites that you know about but are not listed here.

Walk around your neighborhood

Walking around your neighbourhood to see if there are available jobs can be helpful. You could check out if shops and restaurants in your area have job opportunities.

List of Part time in-demand jobs in Canada for international students

Below are some of the in demand jobs in Canada for international students.

  • Waiter
  • Bartending
  • Night time Auditor
  • Tutor
  • Dog walker/pet care
  • Cafeteria worker
  • Office assistant
  • Teachers assistant
  • Uber Driver
  • Nanny
  • Barista
  • Au Pair
  • Translator
  • Freelancer
  • Housekeeping
  • Artisan
  • Research assistant
  • Security monitor
  • Library assistant
  • Social Media Manager


This is one of the popular in demand jobs in Canada for international students. Waiters work in restaurants as people who take orders from customers and answer questions from customers about the menu items, food and prices.

Canadians are believed to use about $11.48 a day in a restaurant.
The average salary for a waiter in Canada is $ 22,377 per year. This estimate was gotten based on 30 salaries which were submitted to glassdoor.com by 30 different waiters.


A bartender is a person who formulates and serves alcohol or any other type of drink to customers. A bartender usually maintains the supplies for the bar as well. They are responsible for mixing classic cocktails. The average base salary of a bartender is $14.16 per hour in Canada. They make about $25,350 per year. Bartending is one of the easiest-to-get in demand jobs in Canada for international students.

Night time Auditor

A nighttime auditor can be said to be the first point of contact of late-night hotel guests and they equally manage many aspects of their visit.

They can be said to be the front desk agents too and most importantly are responsible for balancing reports of activities from the previous day. They are responsible for checking in guests, running end of the day reports before the close of the day.

They prepare guest invoices for checkouts. They prepare information about rooms, rates and other hotel amenities. The salary of a nighttime auditor ranges between $10 to $12 hourly and an average of $24,735 yearly. Though not common, they are one of the top in demand jobs in Canada for international students.


Tutor jobs are one of the in demand jobs in Canada for international students. A tutor can be said to be one who is responsible for providing various students with the needed assistance to help them learn various new concepts and assignments. Often times the learning process is individualized.

Their duties most times includes studying important lesson plans, answering students questions on a topic as well as assigning projects to students.

The average salary of a Tutor in Canada is $20 per hour and $39,000 yearly.

Dog Walker/pet care

God walkers are known to visit the homes of assigned clients to take dogs out for their daily exercises. This particular job is suitable for individuals who want independent workdays. It is one of the in-demand jobs in Canada for international students who love animals.

The average salary of a Dog walker in Canada is $15 per hour and $29, 250 yearly.

Cafeteria worker

This is one of the in-demand jobs in Canada for international students whose average salary is $14.25 per hour and $27,788 yearly.

Their main responsibility is to prepare and serve meals typically to a large group of people.

Sometimes you give food to customers usually as they walk through a line. Some other you thing cafeteria workers do is maintaining and cleaning the kitchen, equipment in the kitchen as well as washing of dishes.

Office assistant

An office assistant is known for keeping the office organized. Other duties involved include typing and taking of notes during meetings.

They oversee clerical tasks, maintaining files, welcoming visitors to the office, taking phone calls, taking of messages and delivering messages.

The average salary of an office assistant in Canada is $17.84 per hour and about $34, 346 yearly.

Teacher’s assistant

A teacher assistant can be said to be one who provides support to a lead teacher who is in charge of a classroom.

Some of their jobs include creating lesson plans, documenting the progress of students and overseeing lesson preparations.

Other times they try to identify the various issues of students and how to recommend solutions.

The average salary of a teachers assistant in Canada is $21.33 per hour and about $35,000 yearly.

Uber Driver

Uber drivers are responsible for picking passengers and transporting them to their various destinations. Often times Uber drivers are booked online. Their duties include:

  • Picking up clients
  • helping their customers move their luggage into the vehicle
  • They choose the easiest and shortest route to destinations.

The average salary of an Uber driver is $19.14 per hour and $37,320 yearly.


This is one of the in demand jobs in Canada for international students. Their main job includes providing personalized childcare for children.

Sometimes they organize creative activities and educational games for children. They prepare meals for kids who they are taking of as well as feed them.

They change their diapers and bathe them when necessary.

The average salary of a Nanny in Canada is $13.50 per hour and $26,332 yearly.


This is one of the in demand jobs in Canada for international students and their responsibilities include:

  • Preparing and serving hot and cold drinks such as tea, artisans, coffee and beverages.
  • Cleaning work areas
  • Sanitizing utensils and equipment
  • servicing customers
  • Taking orders
  • Describing menu Items
  • Receiving and processing payments from customers.

The Average Salary of a Barista in Canada is $13.50 per hour and $ 26,325 yearly.

Au Pair

This is equally one of the in demand jobs in Canada for international students whose job description includes:

  • Helping of Families with Child care duties
  • Performing of domestic tasks
  • Taking care of some house keeping duties
  • Dressing and bathing of small children
  • Assisting Children’s meals
  • Monitoring Child’s activities
  • Cleaning children’s bedroom

All of the above in exchange for a small salary and a room. Oftentimes they work for an agency that decides which house they will work at.

The average salary of an Au Pair in Canada is $16.50 per hour and $32,175 yearly.


This is one of the in demand jobs in Canada for international students whose job descriptions include:

  • reading materials and finding out terminologies that are industry-specific or industry related.
  • Converting audio texts in one language into another language.
  • Ensuring that translated texts have their original meaning and tone.

To be eligible for this particular job, you have to be fluent or conversant with at least two different languages in addition to your own native language.

A translator in Canada can earn as high as $27.13 per hour on average and $52,894 yearly.


This is one of the in-demand jobs in Canada for international students where you get to work for yourself more rather than for a company. They take on contract works from companies and organizations. They set their work hours, they bill clients at their own wish etc. Sometimes they are not even considered as employees especially by the companies they work for. Some freelance jobs include:

  • writing
  • Video editing
  • web design
  • graphics design
  • photography
  • computer programming etc.

A freelancer makes an average of $27.69 hourly and $54,000 yearly.


This is one of the common in demand jobs in Canada for international students. Housekeepers are basically employed in either private homes or places for commercial activities such as hotels. They sweep, scrub, mop, polish floors, clean metal fixtures and fittings etc.

The average salary of a housekeeper in Canada is $14.47 per hour and $28,211 per year.


Artisans can be defined as those trained in a particular trade to create artistic and practical objects. An Artisan makes about $15 per hour and $29,250 per year.

Research Assistant

Research assistants are academic students hired to assist in carrying out a particular agenda or research either by a faculty or school.

They conduct literature reviews, collect and analyze data, prepare materials for submission to foundations and agencies, prepare interview questions, summarize interviews, provide ready access to experimental data for the researcher or the faculty, etc

The average salary of a research assistant is $22.74 per hour and $44,350 yearly.

Library assistant

This is one of the in demand jobs in Canada for international students whose job is assisting with the administration and organization of the Library. They help library visitors, they help individuals in finding the correct reference materials, they help in the processes involved in interlibrary loans as well as signing up visitors for a library card.

The average salary of a library assistant is $13.74 per hour.

Campus tour guide

The campus tour guide is responsible for hosting groups of people which includes:

Prospective students and their parents
Visiting dignitaries
community organizations
middle or elementary school students

The average salary of a campus tour guide is $10.36 per hour and $29, 000 yearly.

Security Monitor

The security monitor is responsible for providing daily security updates for the school building. They properly ensure the safety and security of students, the building, the staff, and the grounds. The security equally responds to emergencies and also intervenes when there are interpersonal conflicts. Above all, they direct students and staff when there are crisis situations.

The average salary of a security monitor is $18.86 per hour and $36,767 yearly.

Social Media Manager

The social media manager is one of the in demand jobs in Canada for international students whose responsibility is managing the online presence of the brand through their social media handles such as Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest and TikTok.

The average salary of a social media manager is $19.16 per hour and $42,250 yearly.

What’s next after your studies?

You might need to know that you stop working once your program finishes but then there are several other ways to continue working even after graduation, but this time under a different condition.

Upon finishing your program, you will get a notification that your program has elapsed. But as someone who has an interest in continuing with working in Canada(either with the in demand jobs in Canada for international students or any other job), you will need to apply for a post-graduation work permit which allows you to work for extra three years even after graduation within 180 days after getting the notification.


working while studying in Canada is so rewarding even beyond your earnings. Obviously, having a degree from one of the colleges in Canada coupled with years of work experience will even make you stand out. Canadian work experience gotten from any of the in demand jobs in Canada for international students, in summary, is very valuable.


Having gone through the in demand jobs in Canada for international students, Read more;

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