9 Best Assistance For Single Mothers In Ohio 

One of the most challenging experiences in parenting is being a single mother. Of course, it is difficult to be a single mother as you’d have to do everything yourself from education, medical bills, utilities, clothing, paying house rent, work, and so on.

And most times, it can be overwhelming, especially if you have no one or a partner to support you. But do not worry, I have come bearing good news for you. You will get to know the available assistance for single mothers In Ohio.

Suppose you’re a single mother and you are resident in Ohio. In that case, there are organizations and institutions put in place by the government and other private institutions to assist single mothers in Ohio.

Read on to find out the assistance for single mothers in Ohio to consider.

The List of Assistance For Single Mothers In Ohio

In Ohio, several support systems and programs have been implemented to assist single mothers until they become self-sufficient. 

In this section, we will be looking at this assistance for single mothers in Ohio.

1. Ohio Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) 

Ohio Child Care Assistance Program is a state subsidiary program that assists single mothers in Ohio and other low-income families who need help paying for childcare.

Ohio Child Care Assistance Program caters to the child care cost of children under the age of 13. There are special exemptions to this law, especially for disabled children. 

You must be enrolled or employed in the OHIO WORK FIRST program to be eligible.

Single mothers and families eligible can apply for the Ohio Child Care Assistance Program online or call 1-877-302-2347 for more information. 

2. Ohio Unemployment Insurance 

You would agree with me that unemployment is one of the major challenges that befall a single mother and can be frustrating.

Although there are a lot of factors that could lead to unemployment, this can be very challenging, especially for mothers with children who are in school and mothers who have children with special needs. 

Unemployment Insurance assists single mothers in Ohio by providing temporary financial help to date mothers while they search for a new job. The amount of money you’ll be given is based on your previous earnings.

Also, Ohio is one of the few states that offers a dependency allowance to qualified single mothers.

So if you have up to 2 dependents, a stipend of $498 will be given weekly as part of the unemployment benefits. 

You can apply by visiting their website or calling 1-877-644-6562.

Note: You can call from Monday to Friday (except on public holidays) from 8 am to 5 pm. 

3 Ohio Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) 

Home Energy Assistance Program(HEAP) is another initiative that assists single mothers in Ohio by helping qualified mothers pay for their heating bills, which will be utility or fuel bills. 

OHIO’S HEAP prioritizes single mothers with household incomes below 175% of the federal poverty guidelines or families with high home energy costs to their income. 

You can apply online by visiting their website. Remember to go along with a copy of your recent utility bill. 

For further inquiries and information, call 800-282-0880. 

4. Ohio Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) 

Summer Food Service Program assists single mothers in Ohio by providing healthy and nutritious food for children throughout the summer(June- August).

This federally funded project is headed by the Ohio Department of Education and targets children of single mothers from ages 1 to 18 for the Summer Food Service Program.

Please call 1-865-3486479 for further information or find a Summer Food Service Program Office near you. 

5. Healthy Start 

The Federal Government sponsors Healthy Start programs. They are also a Medicaid program created to assist single mothers in Ohio by providing health care coverage for children below the age of 19 and pregnant women.

Healthy Start also caters to children who are not insured and are from households where the family income is below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) or less than 205% for pregnant women. 

This program is free for most single mothers and families, especially if your household income is below 211%. For more information, do contact the Medicaid call center on 800-324-8680 to apply. 

6. Ohio Healthy Family(HF) 

Healthy Family is a Medicaid program that assists single mothers in Ohio. It offers a variety of long-term and basic health care services to single mothers and children.

Healthy Family is available to single mothers with children and Ohioans between ages 19 to 64. 

The organization offers free healthcare at no cost.

There are additional benefits for families who fall between the average Federal Poverty Line(FLP).

For mothers and families who qualify, there is premium access to; Doctors visits 


  • Eye care 
  • Dental Care 
  • Hospital care 
  • Prescription of medication 
  • Mental care and so on

To apply, click here or call 800-324-8680. If your Medicaid application has been approved, you will be issued a medical letter with your car, and you can start using the service from then on. 

7. Special Program For Women, Infant and Children ( WIC)

WIC assists eligible single mothers with infants, kids and pregnant mothers with adequate nutrition because they are already at health risk due to malnutrition.

A professional Dietitian or Nutritionist determines the health and nutrition risk status. 

Another eligibility factor is income within the Ohio WIC income guidelines. To find a WIC Clinic near you, please call 1-800-7554769 for assistance. 

8. Ohio Work First (OWF) 

Ohio Work First is a financial assistance program that assists single mothers in Ohio.

OWF provides temporary cash assistance for 36 months to eligible single mothers and their families. For a family of three, a cash benefit of $505 will be paid to your bank account or the OHIO PATHWAY CARD. 

While the organization provides financial assistance required to work for the stipulated number of hours every month, you are assistance. This could be terminated if you fail to comply. To apply, visit their website. 

9. Ohio Food Assistance Program 

Finally, the Ohio food assistance program, also known as the food stamp program, assists single mothers in Ohio by giving eligible single mothers food stamps that help them to buy healthy food and maintain the food budget for the month. 

Families that qualify for these benefits are those whose monthly income is below 130% of the federal poverty level guidelines or if, as a single mother, your

monthly income is below $2300. Qualified mothers receive an Ohio Direction card account where all the food assistance benefits are deposited there. 


Single mothers who are residents of Ohio can rest assured that some organizations and groups are ever willing to support them through this journey, and you don’t have to do it all alone.

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