Traineeship in a Singapore Company: How to Get the Most Out of the Experience

After signing up to multiple job portals, scouring endless job postings, and participating in various career fairs, you may have succeeded in discovering that opportunity for a traineeship in Singapore’s young professional’s desire. 

And now that you finally got accepted into a traineeship program hosted by a reputable company, you may need to approach this chance with the right mindset.

While this path may not be the one you originally envisioned to start your career, a traineeship can actually help you in many ways. Aside from giving you a feel of the real world of employment, working as a trainee can help you build relevant connections and develop essential skills that can significantly improve your employability. The company may even offer you a full-time position if you exceed their expectations. 

That said, you cannot let this incredible opportunity pass you by. Be intentional from the get-go so you can absorb valuable lessons, create the right impression, and stand out from the competition. Here are several tips you may want to consider to make the most of this experience:

Be on Time

Punctuality means more than merely coming to work on time. It is also a sign that you are reliable, professional, and considerate of other people’s time.

When you’re always on time every morning, during meetings, or when submitting assigned tasks, you are sending the message that you can be trusted to show up and perform when you say you will.

As such, your best bet to establishing a pleasing first impression and good reputation is by being consistently punctual. Otherwise, your superior and colleagues may think that you’re not taking the training program seriously or you don’t care enough to do your best. 

Stay Productive

Unless you are on a break or have an emergency, refrain from texting or checking your social media accounts while at work.

Although it may not seem obvious, your managers and co-workers are likely observing your every move, especially if they’re looking for people to fill a full-time post.

The last thing you want is for them to see you using your mobile phone instead of working.  

If you have already completed your assigned tasks, you can organize your files, research information you may need to perform your job well, or offer help to a busy co-worker.

You can also check with your supervisor if you can work on other projects or assist with anything else. Ultimately, your goal should be to stay productive while at work. That way, everyone in the office will know you mean business.

Strive for Excellence 

Always do your work to the best of your abilities—regardless of the nature of the task. Take every assignment as a chance to shine. Is your boss asking you to print numerous documents?

Don’t just print them! Think about how you can contribute even through such a menial task.

Perhaps you can compile separate sets of each document in different folders if people will be using them during a meeting, or maybe you can make an index or create tabs to make the documents more user-friendly.

Whatever you do, make sure that you do it excellently since your work reflects who you are—your values and character. Keep in mind that there are no mediocre jobs, only people who do their work in a mediocre manner. 

Go the Extra Mile

Another effective way to ace your traineeship program is by treating the company as your own—in terms of effort and hard work. Don’t be satisfied with merely waiting for assignments and directions.

Take the initiative and learn about the business as much as you can. Be willing to take on additional tasks or be the first to volunteer whenever the company needs an extra pair of hands.

However, make sure you do all these things with a professional attitude and openness to learn.

By going the extra mile, you’re not only helping the company but boosting your professional and personal development in the process. Imagine the experience and skills you are gaining every time you work and accomplish something new.

Besides learning valuable lessons that will stay with you no matter where you are, making an effort to contribute on every occasion will make you an unforgettable and valuable trainee—someone who will most likely get hired as soon as a position opens up. 

Make Meaningful Connections

Even if you’re only staying in the company for the duration of the traineeship program, try to build meaningful relationships with your supervisors and co-workers.

Remember that you can learn so much from them, from the skills you need to move forward in your career to how you can connect with potential employers later on. 

That said, make an effort to get along with everyone, even those outside your department.

Smile and be friendly. Most of all, try to help your colleagues whenever you have the chance so they can see how well you work with a team. Who knows? Maybe you can even build long-lasting friendships this way.

A traineeship program is an excellent opportunity to kick-start your career, learn valuable skills, and build a good reputation in your chosen field.

As such, make sure that you don’t waste this chance. Give your best effort, let your talent and work ethic shine, and exceed expectations to get ahead of the competition and make yourself indispensable.

Keep in mind that only by going above and beyond can you make this experience work to your advantage.

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