10 Top Cosmetology Schools in St Louis|Tuition & Duration

Do you live in St Louis? DO you want to learn more about the cosmetology schools in St Louis? Are you keen on finding out what options you have in cosmetology schools in St Louis?

As you search for the best cosmetology schools in St Louis, you’ll want to make sure that they are accredited. All of these top 10 cosmetology schools have been evaluated and approved by the National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences (NACCAS). NACCAS is one of the most highly respected accrediting agencies in America, making its approval a mark of quality for prospective students.

Accreditation is important because it ensures that your school will be able to offer you the necessary education to become a licensed cosmetologist after graduation at little or no cost to yourself. It also means that your credits from this school will transfer seamlessly if you decide to change schools later on down the line, which could come in handy as new opportunities arise over time.

The tuition costs listed here are based on full-time status. However, tuition varies somewhat depending on which campus has approved your application and what type of financial aid options you qualify for.

You may contact individual campuses directly if further information is needed before deciding where best fits within your budget constraints while still giving access to quality education.

Overview of Cosmetology in St. Louis

Cosmetology is the art of beautifying and enhancing the human body. It’s a career that requires years of schooling, but one that can help you earn a very comfortable salary.

Over the last decade, cosmetology has become one of the most popular career choices in St Louis. If you’re considering pursuing cosmetology as a potential career path for yourself or your child, it’s important to understand how this field got started and where it stands today.

A Cosmetologist is someone who specializes in making people feel good about themselves through their work with hair, nails, or skincare.

They use products like color dyes on their clients’ hair, and other makeup products to give them new looks or change their current appearance.

Cosmetologists are licensed professionals who must complete extensive training before being able to legally practice their skills at an established salon or spa location within city limits (or wherever else they wish). This is why studying in any of these listed cosmetology schools in St Louis is crucial to your career growth if you stay around the area.

The cost of cosmetology schools in St Louis can vary greatly, depending on the school and program you choose.

The average cost of tuition in any cosmetology school in St. Louis starts at $6,000 and may cost as much as $22,000. However, this can be higher or lower depending on which of the cosmetology schools in St Louis you attend, and whether or not it’s full-time or part-time.

How Much Does It Cost to Study Cosmetology in St. Louis?

Many cosmetology schools in St Louis offer both full-time and part-time programs, making it more affordable for students who work while attending classes. In addition to saving money on tuition costs, many of these cosmetology programs also include discounts based on financial need as well as potential job placement after graduation.

What Do Cosmetologists Earn in St. Louis?

The average salary for a cosmetologist in the St. Louis area is $55,272 per year. A cosmetologist can earn up to $60,000 per year if they work at a high-end salon or spa. In some cases, you may even be able to start your own business and make more than this amount.

Cosmetologists who work at salons and spas typically make between $30,000 and $50,000 per year (including tips), making them pretty decent earners.

The List of Top Cosmetology Schools in St. Louis

Now, let’s talk about the main reason why we are both here: what schools are the best cosmetology schools in St Louis? What cosmetology programs are suitable for me? How much does a cosmetology program in St. Louis cost?

We have got you covered. Here, we shuffle ten of the brightest cosmetology schools in St Louis, and explain key tuition information, and what other things you should know about them. Read on to find out more.

Paul Mitchell The School St. Louis

  • Total Cost: $18,827.
  • Program Duration: 1,500 hours.

The Paul Mitchell – The School St. Louis offers a variety of cosmetology programs to students looking to become professionally trained in the beauty industry.

The cost of attending this school varies depending on your chosen program and whether you’re taking it full-time or part-time. However, most students enrolling in the cosmetology program pay around $18,000 (which includes textbooks). In addition, they may also need to purchase supplies such as shampoo bowls or clippers if they don’t already have them. Paul Mitchell The School St. Louis is accredited by both SACS CASI (Southern Association Commission on Colleges) and ABHES (Accrediting Council for Independent Schools).

Most full-time cosmetology programs are 1,800 hours in length and take about nine months to complete. Part-time courses vary depending on the schedule you choose, but they can also be completed within nine months or less.

Grabber School of Hair Design

  • Total Cost: $21,296.

  • Program Duration: About 1,800 hours.

Grabber School of Hair Design is a great place for students to begin their training in cosmetology. It offers a hands-on approach to learning, while also providing opportunities for students to develop their unique styles.

As well as offering the Beauty Academy and Barbering Program, Grabber’s campus includes a full-service salon. The school’s reputation speaks for itself as it is accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences (NACCAS).

The Salon Professional Academy

  • Total Cost: $18,600.
  • Program Duration: Not specified.

The Salon Professional Academy, located in the St. Louis area of Missouri, is a private cosmetology school in St. Louis that offers affordable tuition and flexible class schedules. It is one of the best cosmetology schools in St Louis to begin your career.

Among the locals, TSPA is popular for its clean-cut shaves and masterful curriculum. TSPA has a student-centric program, which means that you will learn a lot about the cosmetology business, and how you too can set up one for yourself.

Skin Institute

  • Total Cost: $13,065.
  • Program Duration: 9 months.

Skin Institute is a skincare specialty school. It offers training in esthetics, electrolysis, makeup, and waxing. It is among our list of the top 10 cosmetology schools in St. Louis due to its corrosive curriculum, and its dedication to helping you set up a career in cosmetology upon your graduation.

Contemplating studying at Skin Institute, you should consider these:

  • Skin Institute has been recognized for its ongoing commitment to excellence by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and by the Missouri State Board of Cosmetology/Barbering & Allied Health Professions’ Board of Examiners since 2010.

  • The school’s curriculum meets state requirements for licensing as an esthetician or aesthetician technician with the Missouri State Board of Cosmetology/Barbering & Allied Health Professions’ Board of Examiners.

Thus, these recognitions make Skin Institute a great cosmetology school in St. Louis, in our opinion.

Diva’s Institute of Cosmetology

  • Total Cost: Inquire by calling +1 314-428-3482.

Diva’s Institute of Cosmetology is a for-profit institution with a large student capacity. The school offers a wide range of cosmetology services, including nail care and hairstyling. Students can earn their licenses in Missouri or Illinois after completing the necessary hours to graduate from the program.

There are several reasons why you might want to consider Diva’s Institute of Cosmetology as your college choice:

  • It has one of the largest student bodies among all other cosmetology schools in the St. Louis area. There are approximately 170 students who attend this school every year. This means that there will be plenty of classmates with whom you will get along well.

  • The median age at this location is 20 years old – meaning that most students are young adults just looking to expand their knowledge about beauty products and services.

Crave Beauty Academy

  • Total Cost: $17,500.

Program Duration: 1,500 hours.

Crave Beauty Academy is another top cosmetology school in the St. Louis area, Missouri. The cost of tuition at this school is $17,500 per year. You can find more information on the school’s website, including a detailed schedule and hours of operation, programs offered, a description of the school, a description of its location, surrounding area, and teachers.

The coursework at Crave Beauty Academy includes:

  • Hair Styling/Braiding.

  • Nail Technology.

  • Cosmetology.

The Ultimate Cosmetology and Barber Academy

  • Total Cost: Starts from $11,250.

  • Program Duration: Not specified. Please inquire.

The Ultimate Cosmetology and Barber Academy is among the small cosmetology schools in St Louis with a big heart. The school has a history of excellence, and it is well known for its competitive tuition rates.

The curriculum at The Ultimate Cosmetology and Barber Academy consists of hundreds of hours of hands-on training as well as classroom instruction.

The goal is to provide students with an education that prepares them for every aspect of their careers, regardless if they plan on working in salons or barbershops or becoming self-employed entrepreneurs.

St. Charles Barber College

  • Total Cost: $9,000.

  • Program Duration: 1,500 hours.

St. Charles Barber College is located in the heart of St. Charles, Missouri, close to the St. Louis area. They offer cosmetology programs for men and women at all levels, from general to advanced, as well as a Master’s degree program for students who wish to become educators or salon owners.

All of their programs are hands-on and practical, allowing students to gain technical skills and experience with real clients under the supervision of experienced instructors.

The college also offers many types of financial aid based on need; so even if you don’t have money saved up to cover tuition costs upfront, there may be options available for you.

Creative Touch Cosmetology School

  • Total Cost: $15,000 – $17,700.

  • Program Duration: 1,500 hours.

The Creative Touch Cosmetology School is located in the heart of St. Louis County, Missouri. The school has been around for over 20 years and is still going strong today. They offer training to prepare you for a career in cosmetology as well as nail technology and medical esthetics.

The program at Creative Touch Cosmetology School includes a cosmetology externship program where you will be able to gain experience through working with real clients under the supervision of an instructor at their school location or offsite locations throughout the city of St. Louis area.

Pure Beauty Institute of Cosmetology

  • Total Cost: $12,150.
  • Program Duration: 1,500 hours.

Pure Beauty Institute was created with a mission of improving the lives of others by providing them with valuable career training opportunities.

Since then, they have grown to become one of the most well-respected private cosmetology schools in St Louis area. They offer cosmetology programs for both licensed cosmetologists as well as aspiring ones who want to work toward licensure. 

The school also offers non-licensed programs such as barbering and nail technology which are great options for those looking for an entry-level career change or extra income without having to take out traditional student loans or put themselves into debt if they don’t need it yet.

Overall, beauty is a booming industry in St. Louis, and schools are always looking for new students.

You can make a lot of money in cosmetology. If you want to be part of that boom, then you need to get yourself into a good cosmetology school and learn how to cut or color hair like nobody’s business. It will open up doors for you that wouldn’t have been possible before your schooling was finished.

Benefits of studying in cosmetology schools in St Louis:

  • Experience working with people from all walks of life.

  • Good paying jobs are available once you’ve finished school (often around $20+ per hour).

Wrapping It Up

It’s clear that cosmetology is a lucrative career, and if you want to earn well while working in a fun environment, then it’s time to start preparing for this exciting career.

The best way to prepare is by attending one of these top 10 cosmetology schools in St Louis mentioned in our list.

These schools will help you develop your skill-set, prepare you for licensing exams, and find employment in your local community after graduation. Are there suggestions on these cosmetology schools in St Louis you have? Please do so in the comment section.

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