8 Best Medical Schools in Barbados-Best Guide

There are top medical schools in Barbados, a country in the North American region. Barbados has become a popular destination when it comes to medical education in the Caribbean for aspiring doctors from different parts of the world.

Barbados is home to eight medical universities. They have an affordable living cost, international-standard medical programs, and global career opportunities.

The vicinity of the United States and the comfortable Caribbean lifestyle are part of the things you will enjoy. New York is just 4 hours flight away from Barbados.

Thousands of international students have enrolled in various MBBS colleges in Barbados and obviously, they are reaping the advantages of studying MBBS in Barbados.

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Before making that final move to study MBBS in Barbados, as a student, you need to convince yourself that you are taking the right decision.

When you plan to attend any of the medical schools in Barbados or you are currently a medical student in Barbados, we have put down some of the advantages that prove that Barbados is the best option to get a quality medical education.

The Beauty of Barbados

You will be happier to know that Barbados is a developed country with a literacy rate of 99.7% making it the 4th most educated country in the world.

The average temperature of Barbados ranges from 16 degrees to 33 degrees and the tropical climate of the Island makes the atmosphere of Barbados an all-time pleasant experience delighting not only the local people of the tourists but the students as well.

The environment has a huge impact on your study and Barbados being a calm environment helps you get the best out of every moment you invest in your education on the Island.

Besides being home to aesthetic nature and highly educated people, it’s no secret that Barbados is a popular tourist destination.

Barbadians have had this culture of welcoming foreigners to their home island for years, and they know well how to greet people, how to take care of them, and how to make them feel at home.

With their utmost friendly attitude, Barbadians are known for their hospitality.

Regarding safety and security, Barbados has built its reputation to be a very safe country with a very low rate of crime and violence.

Appropriate police security is in place in the residential as well as tourist places so that you can live and study here with a piece of mind.

In Barbados, apart from enjoying a friendly environment on the Campus of the medical schools in Barbados, you become a part of the welcoming community of Barbadians which makes Barbados your next home.

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Advantages of Studying MBBS in Barbados

  • Luxury To Communicate In English
  • Low Living Cost
  • Cost Of Education That You Can Afford
  • The Life Experience
  • Benchmark Quality
  • International Community
  • Cross-Border Clinical Rotations
  • Great Career Opportunities Ahead
  • Making Your Dream Less Hard

Luxury To Communicate In English

There are countries that will require you to learn a new language before you can be able to successfully study MBBS.

If you have no plans of learning a new language, then Barbados is the place to go. You not only have the opportunity to study in English, but also you communicate with the local people in English.

In Barbados, English is their official language and your entire medical course will be studied in English.

Low Living Cost

When compared to countries like the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and other highly developed countries, Barbados’ living cost is cheap and it is one that offers high quality of life.

Barbados is today, as reported by United Nations Development Programme, the Caribbean’s leading tourism island, and it can also boast of being one of the most developed islands in the region.

Human Development Index of Barbados is 0.8, and with that factor, Barbados prides itself as one of the most developed islands in the entire Caribbean region. 

Cost Of Education That You Can Afford

Fees for a medical course in Barbados are very affordable in comparison to countries like India, the USA, and other top countries where the seats are very limited while demand is very high.

For instance, at Victoria Medical University, you can complete your entire medical program at the cost of around US$ 35,000.

Further, in Caribbean Medical Universities, there is no requirement for any donation or capitation fees, which makes it easier to get admitted in medical programs even for students with limited means.

The Life Experience

Every year, about a million people visit Barbados to take a break from their routine life and get some relaxation in the natural atmosphere of this beautiful country.

Attending the medical schools in Barbados will take about five years and those five years will provide you with the opportunity to live the Caribbean lifestyle and not just to study MBBS.

You will get to explore the delicate balance between the American and Caribbean cultures, as well as meet from global countries while building your connections worldwide.

Benchmark Quality

Medical Universities in Barbados follow benchmark medical curricula to provide the finest possible medical education in the Caribbean.

For instance, the curriculum of the MD program at Victoria University of Barbados is based on US medical curriculum, which is also the industry benchmark.

Along with the MD Program, coaching is also provided to help you qualify for various medical licensure examinations such as Foreign Medical Graduates Examination (FMGE) and Unites States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). 

The modern curriculum is not all you enjoy, you also get to benefit from the modern infrastructure of Barbados.

The medical schools in Barbados are well-equipped with modern teaching equipment which provides a deep practical exposure, as well as great opportunities for research. Most importantly, your academic base is built alongside assistance in clinical training.

In Barbados, even at an affordable University, you get one of the finest quality medical education comparable to top Medical universities in Barbados, the USA, and other countries.

International Community

The medical school in Barbados are international and this simply means that students from different countries worldwide take admissions building a diverse community on the Campus.

When you study with people from many countries in one setting, you get to know their culture, diverse values, and traditions which helps you build a global mindset which is much needed when you work in a global environment.

As you may know, when you study with people from different countries in one setting, you get to know their culture, diverse values, and traditions which will help you build a global mindset.

This kind of exposure will strengthen your international connections.

Cross-Border Clinical Rotations

Can you imagine the feeling and career impact of getting clinical training in different countries during your MD Program? 

Well, during the final two years of your MBBS in Barbados (Clinical Rotations Program), you get the opportunity to get clinical training in reputed hospitals in the Caribbean region, USA, Asia, Canada, and other countries.

This will help you understand the medical needs of different regions and also strengthen your credentials of international Medical Graduation, which will help you a lot when searching for job opportunities.

Great Career Opportunities Ahead

After completion of your medical graduation from Barbados, you can go for higher education or paid residency in the US, qualify for the medical licensure examination of the country where you want to practice, and start your medical career in the country of your choice. 

The International Medical Graduate label that your MBBS from Barbados assigned to you is widely regarded and respected in the field of medicine with plenty of career opportunities. 

Making Your Dream Less Hard

It is no news that medical schools demand insanely high scores in your school-level examinations, qualifications in several entrance examinations, fees that can get you indebted for thousands of dollars, and with all that, the mental stress to go through all this before admissions (admission fatigue), during education (high-cost fatigue), and after graduation (debt repay fatigue)!

Most of the medical schools in Barbados do not allow you to go through these huddles. At Victoria University for instance, among other eligibility requirements, the only major academic requirement is 50% aggregate marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology subjects.

Furthermore, the cost of tuition as well as hostel and mess facility is very affordable (at least 60-80% less than the average cost of MD or MBBS in the USA, Australia, and other likely countries).

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The list of Best Medical Schools in Barbados

  • American University of Barbados

  • American University of Integrative Sciences

  • Bridgetown International University

  • Victoria University of Barbados

  • Ross University School of Medicine

  • University of the West Indies Faculty of Medicine (Cave Hill)

  • International University of Barbados School of Medicine

  • Washington University of Barbados School of Medicine

American University of Barbados

The American University of Barbados, School of Medicine is CAAM-HP accredited and among the top universities of the Caribbean.

They intend to prepare their students to be global leaders in all aspects of healthcare.

Their goal is not simply to create ‘doctors’ but ‘medical scholars’ imbued with a lifelong desire for knowledge and service.

Studying medicine at AUB is a great opportunity that brings you close to the frontiers of current scientific knowledge.

This choice sets you on a path towards the noble profession of medicine with a unique model of medical education which they believe is second to none.

Studying medicine at AUB is a great opportunity that brings you close to the frontiers of current scientific knowledge.

Their premedical program courses are designed to strengthen the student’s Premedical Science foundation to enhance the opportunity for success in advanced medical studies.

Students of the 4 year Doctor of Medicine degree program will spend the first two years on the Barbados campus studying the Basic Medical Sciences.

In the final two years, students will complete their clinical training at the affiliated Hospitals in Canada, India, and the United States of America.

Upon successful completion of the first two years in Barbados, students continue and complete clinical training in one of their affiliated hospitals in the United States. Visit this school.

American University of Integrative Sciences

Over its 20-year history as a leading Caribbean Medical School, AUIS has attracted US, Canadian and international students, successfully matching them in medical residency programs within the US and Canada. 

As a medical school administration with an inclusive philosophy, they view admissions and teaching with a more holistic lens.

Students with top grades and a solid interview mean more to them than standardized tests results, while they offer tuition credit to students with high MCAT scores they are a medical school that does not require the MCAT – the personal desire to heal and prevent disease as well as a demonstrated disciplined approach to study are the recognized and rewarded cornerstones of the AUIS student’s success.

If your goal is to become a practicing physician in the United States or Canada, your education needs to be based on US medical standards.

AUIS has a track record of producing physicians who Match on the first attempt.

They offer an accelerated Bachelor of Medical Sciences degree | BMSc; a program designed for the undergraduate student with an aptitude for the sciences and who plans to attend medical, dental, pharmacy school or to conduct biomedical research in graduate school and beyond.

Their Doctor of Medicine program is an intense academic program that aims to meet the needs of high-caliber high school graduates or college students aiming to pursue a medical education, but who have taken few or none of the core science courses required for admission to medical school. Find out more about their medical programs.

Bridgetown International University

Bridgetown International University is a medical university that was established in 2016 with a mission to provide quality and affordable medical education to aspiring doctors, add more physicians to the healthcare ecosystem of the world, and contribute to the betterment of health for all.

Moving forward, BIU aspires to be an accessible premier institution for providing healthcare education and training in all spheres of medicine and emerge as an elite transformational organization for quality medical education. They offer:

5-Year MD Program:

International-Standard MD Program based on US Medical Curriculum, including 1-Year Pre-Medical Program, 2-Year Basic Sciences Program, and 2-Year Clinical Sciences Program.

1-Year Pre-Medical:

Pre-Medical provides a comprehensive education in the subjects of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Anatomy, and Physiology, distributed into four-trimester terms.

2-Year Basic Sciences:

Basic Sciences Program integrates the in-depth study of medicine with research, laboratory experiments, problem-based learning, and evidence-based practice of medicine.

2-Year Clinical Sciences:

Clinical Sciences Program is the final stage of the MD in Barbados. It offers an opportunity to get hands-on clinical training at University-affiliated hospitals in different countries. Visit their website.

Victoria University of Barbados

Situated on one of the most popular islands in the Eastern Caribbean, Victoria University of Barbados offers a perfect blend of quality medical education and quality of life. At Victoria University of Barbados, students are given the tools and preparation to become exceptional doctors, serve humanity and build a better world together by offering healthcare services to those in need.

Depending on the level of education of the students, Victoria University of Barbados offers a 4-Year and a 5-Year Program for MD in Barbados.

The program is an undergraduate program and is equivalent to MBBS.

The syllabus of MD Program is based on US medical curriculum and follows the standard of MD in America.

Strictly designed as per the requirements of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE), MD Program of Victoria University of Barbados is comparable to MD in the USA and offers aspiring doctors worldwide an opportunity to study medicine in Barbados. Find out more about their programs.

Ross University School of Medicine

At Ross University School of Medicine, they believe accessible medicine starts with accessible medical education.

RUSM strives to educate and empower a truly diverse and dedicated population of students who are determined to make an undeniable impact on the communities they serve.

The RUSM Curriculum will require you to be on campus for approximately 20 months, or 75 weeks.

Study modules are spaced out over five semesters, and the curriculum includes integrated study breaks to encourage and manage knowledge acquisition. See program details.


For those starting in May 2022 and after:

  • $20,920/ semester – 5 semesters for Medical Sciences 
  • $24,660/ semester – 6 semesters for Clinical Sciences

University of the West Indies Faculty of Medicine (Cave Hill)

This is one of the medical schools in Barbados where you do a full degree in a multicultural learning environment. 

Cultural diversity will assist in your cultural competency in healthcare systems, an asset to working globally.

The undergraduate medical program is divided into Phase 1 (Years 1-3) and Phase 2 (Years 4-5).
During the first three years, a modular, system-based approach is used, with courses designed to encourage integration between the basic medical science subjects and the clinical (patient-centered) disciplines.
During the final two years, students rotate through the main clinical disciplines, with an emphasis on general training.

  • Over 3,000 hours of sunshine each year! The prevailing northeast tradewinds blow steadily so that although it is bright and sunny, it is not unbearably hot
  • Plenty of daily flight services from the US
  • Cave Hill Campus is within 5 minutes of beautiful beaches, including Batts Rock Beach

See program details.

International University of Barbados School of Medicine

Bridgetown International University was established in 2016 with a mission to provide quality and affordable medical education to aspiring doctors, add more physicians to the healthcare ecosystem of the world, and contribute to the betterment of health for all.

Moving forward, BIU aspires to be an accessible premier institution for providing healthcare education and training in all spheres of medicine and emerge as an elite transformational organization for quality medical education. They offer:

  • 5-Year MD Program
  • 1-Year Pre-Medical
  • 2-Year Basic Sciences
  • 2-Year Clinical Sciences

Get more information about the International University of Barbados School of Medicine.

Washington University of Barbados School of Medicine

Washington University of Barbados School of Medicine Offers:

Basic Science Program – 1.5 Years:

The Basic Science program was specially created to handle the health care needs of society. The program lasts two years and all classes take place at the WUB campus in Barbados.

Pre-Clinical Sciences – 2 Years:

The Pre-Medical Program is specifically designed to assist students who have completed 12 years of schooling but need the 120 credits necessary for admission into medical school.

Clinical Rotations – 2 Years:

During the final six trimesters of the University’s MD Program students complete their clinical rotations at affiliated hospitals and clinical facilities in the U.S. A student’s eligibility is based on their academic performance.

Check out their eligibility and how to apply.

What is an MD degree?

The Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree is a professional graduate degree held by physicians and surgeons. Earning an MD degree should prepare medical school graduates to thrive in the fast-paced, ever-changing world of practicing medicine.

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