2 ACCRED Best Acupuncture Schools in North Carolina

Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate healing. You will be learning more about the requirements to become an acupuncturist is North Carolina as well as the acupuncture schools in North Carolina that you should be considering.

This ancient practice has become very popular in recent years due to its effectiveness in treating pain and other health conditions.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates that acupuncture is effective at relieving chronic pain in around 60% of patients. In addition, it also helps reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, and even boost immune function.

Acupuncture is becoming increasingly popular in the U.S., especially among millennials. According to the American Association of Oriental Medicine, over 2 million Americans receive acupuncture treatment every year.

If you want to learn more about acupuncture, check out these top acupuncture schools in North Carolina in this article and more.

List of Accredited Acupuncture Schools In North Carolina 

These North Carolina institutions on our list offer programs in acupuncture.

You need a master’s degree in acupuncture and the licensure necessary by your state to practice as an acupuncturist. 

There are two Universities that Offer an Acupuncture Program in North Carolina:

Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medical Arts

The founding members of Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medical Arts were a group of skilled practitioners. 

By imparting our professional expertise and enthusiasm for Chinese medicine, they continuously work to support the restoration of the old traditions. 

They also think that thorough education can help kids succeed. The strong connection between the Dao and Chinese medicine is where the name Daoist Traditions comes from. 

Since the early days of Chinese civilization, this relationship has existed. Chinese medicine teaches us to live in tune with the seasons and to follow the laws of nature as a model for the ideal life, much like the Daoist philosophical tradition. Classes are exclusively offered on campus.

Location: 382 Montford Ave 

Asheville, North Carolina 

Jung Tao School of Classical Chinese Medicine

The goal of Jung Tao School of Classical Chinese Medicine is to train students in the theory and application of classical Chinese medicine in order to prepare them for careers as knowledgeable acupuncturists and healthcare professionals. 

Additionally, the university’s board wants students to understand the essence of Daoist concepts and be inspired to apply those values to both their professional and personal life. 

Additionally, it is the school’s goal to make access to original translations of traditionally based resources available.

A four-year Graduate level diploma in the acupuncture program is available from the Jung Tao School. 

The objective of this curriculum is to prepare students to work as highly qualified and sympathetic healthcare professionals. 

The classics of Chinese medicine are deeply ingrained in Jung Tao graduates, giving them a solid platform on which to establish their careers as healers.

Location: 207 Dale Adams Road 

Sugar Grove, North Carolina 

Requirements for Acupuncture Schools In North Carolina 

  • Formal Education Requirements: Completion of a three-year postgraduate program at an acupuncture college that has been granted accreditation by, or is in the candidacy stage with, ACAOM, or, if the applicant is from outside the United States, the California Acupuncture Committee. 
  • There are no requirements for undergraduate study. 
  • Other eligibility requirements include passing the Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine course on clean needle technique. 
  • Written Test: The written test for the NCCAOM.
  • NCCAOM PEPLS, a practical test.

How Long Does Acupuncture’s Benefits Last? 

In conclusion, the patient’s age, the severity of their symptoms, and the therapies they are receiving all have a significant impact on how long the effects of acupuncture remain. 

This indicates that the effects may persist anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

Is Acupuncture a Good Profession To Pursue? 

High demand—As the use of acupuncture increases, so does the need for qualified practitioners. 

Skilled and certified acupuncturists will have numerous options to advance in their careers after graduating from a recognized acupuncture school. 

Work-life balance—A profession in acupuncture offers a high level of work-life balance.

What Negative Impacts Does Acupuncture Have? 

Acupuncture may have negative effects on some people, just like any other form of medical care.

  • Pain and bleeding from the needle placement are possible side effects. 
  • Nausea. 
  • Infections. 
  • A skin rash 
  • An allergic response. 
  • Bruising around the needle puncture site. 
  • Dizziness


Acupuncture is a form of treatment that has been used for centuries to relieve pain and improve health. 

If you’re looking for an acupuncture school in North Carolina, we can help you find the best one for your needs. 

Our team of experts has done extensive research on all of the schools in the state so that you don’t have to worry about making an informed decision on your own. 

When it comes time to find an accredited program that provides high-quality education and clinical training, look no further than our website!

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