What You Need To Know About EBITDA

EBITDA is a financial metric that helps one to analyze the financial structure of a company. And in the following article below, we will briefly explain everything that you need to know about this finance-related term. 

What Does EBITDA Stand For?

It stands for:

“Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization”

Adding here a bit more, calcualtored.com is the only site that has designed a free-to-use EBITDA calculator by calculatored to be used and analyze a company’s performance without trouble. 

How To Calculate EBITDA?

Basically, there are a couple of formulas that the calculator utilizes to calculate this financial term. These include:

Net Income + Interest + Taxes + Depreciation + Amortization = EBITDA

Operating Profit + Depreciation + Amortization = EBITDA

Who Uses EBITDA?

As mentioned before, EBITDA is specially used to judge the growth of a company. But on the other hand, investors who are not professionals can also quickly pick up this technique, which will aid them in valuing potential investments before including them in their portfolios. Also, using an online business valuation EBITDA calculator will also assist them to make a citation about the company profile.

Bank & Bankers:

EBITDA is a metric that banks use to assess a company’s capacity to make up debts. Financial analysts use the formula to predict the company’s future profitability and to determine what genuinely generates value for a company.

According to Theodore Schneider:

“Investment bankers frequently use EBITDA to remove the influence of financing and accounting decisions on operating performance, allowing them to better gauge the company’s ability to service debt and increase top-line revenue and/or operating efficiency”

What Is a Good EBITDA?

An EBITDA of over 10 is seen as favorable. The S&P 500’s EBITDA has ranged between 11 and 14 during the past few years. To understand how your firm is doing, you can also compare it to other companies in your sector and their reported EBITDA.

Components of EBITDA:

In the following section, we will throw light on all the components of EBITDA. These factors are also considered by the EBITDA calculator while using this metric to analyze a company better. 


Earnings are the money that your business makes over a specific time period. Subtract operational expenditures from your entire sales to get this EBITDA component.


The cost of repaying debt is referred to as an interest expenditure. Although it often refers to a cost, it can also stand in for interest that was earned. The expenditures related to interest are not subtracted from revenue in EBITDA.


Death and taxes are the only two things that are guaranteed in life, but EBITDA isn’t one of them. Operating profit is another name for earnings before interest and taxes.

Depreciation & Amortization:

Depreciation is the term used to describe the decline in the value of physical assets over time, such as machinery or automobiles. When intangible assets, such as patents, eventually expire, an amortization charge is incurred. Operating profit is increased by depreciation and amortization in EBITDA.

All of these parameters can separately be calculated by using the EBITDA finder online absolutely for free.

EBITDA Calculator: 

Using this advanced tool will vanish your problems related to finance. Chartered accountants use this calculator online due to the following reasons:

  • Easy to use
  • Fast and accurate results 
  • Sharable results 
  • Makes a proper financial report of the company 


EBITDA explores the financial health of an organization and is a very important and key way to report the structure of a company. And while doing this, accountants show a keen interest in using the EBITDA calculator because it yields precise outcomes and saves them a lot of time at the same time.

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