How to Become a Pharmacy Technician

Being a pharmacy technician is a great career choice for those interested in medicine and healthcare.

In the healthcare system, pharmacy technicians are essential because they help pharmacists with medicine distribution, inventory control, and patient customer service.

Here is an extensive tutorial on beginning your job as a pharmacy technician if you’re thinking about it.

Understand the Role of a Pharmacy Technician

Prior to deciding to become a pharmacy tech, it’s critical to have a solid understanding of the obligations and roles involved in the position. Pharmacy technicians manufacture prescription drugs, label and package medications, handle inventory, handle insurance claims, and answer phones for clients while working under the direction of professional pharmacists.

They are essential to maintaining a pharmacy’s smooth and safe operation, serving as a liaison between patients and pharmacists, and improving the general standard of healthcare delivery. 

Obtain a High School Diploma or Equivalent

Becoming a pharmacy technician usually requires a high school diploma or its equivalent, which is the basic educational prerequisite for entering this sector. Take part in a General Educational Development (GED) program to achieve an equivalent certification if you do not already have a high school diploma.

To succeed in this industry, one must have strong basic abilities in science, arithmetic, and communication. Pharmacy technicians must be able to calculate accurately, comprehend medical language, and interact with patients as well as doctors in an efficient manner.

Enroll in a Pharmacy Technician Training Program

Many businesses favor applicants who have finished a pharmacy technician certification​ and training program, even if state requirements for formal education differ. Community colleges, technical schools, and internet institutions offer these programs, which include extensive curriculum and practical training in the pharmacy profession.

A standard pharmacy technician training curriculum equips students with the information and abilities needed to excel in the business by covering subjects including pharmaceutical equations, pharmacy law and ethics, drug safety, and pharmacy management.

Gain Hands-on Experience Through Internships or Externships

For those who aspire to become pharmacy technicians, practical experience is vital as it enables them to apply classroom theory to real-world situations and build critical abilities. For hands-on experience inside a real-world context, look for externships or internships at pharmacies, healthcare facilities, or other healthcare facilities.

These opportunities give prospective pharmacy technicians useful insight into pharmacy operations, medicine dispensing protocols, inventory management techniques, and communication protocols, supporting their professional development.

Obtain Certification

Getting certified can improve your credentials and show employers and regulatory bodies that you are a skilled pharmacy technician, even if it is not always required. Pharmacy technicians can get nationally recognized certification programs, including the Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT) certificate, from the Pharmacy Technology Certification Board (PTCB) and the National Health Career Association (NHA).

In order to demonstrate your expertise in the sector, you must complete a certification test that covers pharmacy legislation, pharmacology, pharmaceutical safety, and pharmacy operations.

Apply for State Licensure

To guarantee they fulfill the minimal competency levels set out by regulatory organizations, pharmacy technicians must often seek licensing or registration plus certification in order to practice. States have different procedures for licensing, but generally speaking, you have to pay a fee, submit an application, and have your history checked.

To ensure that they stay current on industry trends, laws, and developments in pharmaceutical technology, pharmacy technicians may also be required by some jurisdictions to complete the requirements for continuing education in order to keep their licenses.

Pursue Continuing Education and Professional Development

Maintaining your proficiency and improving your abilities after becoming a registered and qualified pharmacy technician requires keeping up with industry trends, laws, and developments in pharmaceutical technology. To increase your knowledge and proficiency, think about taking continuing education classes, going to conferences or seminars, and engaging in professional development activities.

You may succeed in your job as a pharmacy technician by being proactive in your professional growth and remaining knowledgeable. This will help you give patients high-quality treatment and assistance while also making a positive impact on your pharmacy practice as a whole.


To become a pharmacy technician, one must possess a strong sense of dedication, education, and a desire to maintain the best levels of patient safety and care. Following these guidelines and making an investment in your professional development will enable you to start a fulfilling career in pharmacy.

Your contribution to the health and well-being of people in your community as a pharmacy technician will be crucial, regardless of whether you decide to work in a hospital, retail, or specialty pharmacy.

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