10 Best Cosmetology schools in Ottawa & their cost.

A cosmetologist is a beauty professional that is licensed to provide beauty care services to their clients. Cosmetology schools in Ottawa are one of the places where you can receive training to work exclusively in a salon or spa.

However, for you to earn a diploma in cosmetology, you must go for and complete a training program, either at the cosmetology schools in Ottawa or other schools in Canada. You must know that you need to hold a license from the state before you can be able to work as a cosmetologist.

What do cosmetologists do?

As the name implies, cosmetologists beautify. The main elements of cosmetology are nails, hair and makeup. Therefore cosmetologists learn a wide array of different techniques such as cutting, styling, and colouring. Hairstyling, haircutting, hair colouring, shampooing, wig cutting, pedicures and manicures are the elements of a cosmetologist job.

List of Cosmetology Schools in Ottawa

  1. Versailles Academy Of Make Up Arts
  2. Ottawa Academy
  3. Pure Beauty Academy
  4. West End Beauty Academy
  5. Gina’s College of Advanced Aesthetics
  6. South-End Academy
  7. Ecole le Monde de la Coiffure
  8. Academie Umano Esthetique
  9. Mama Cee Beauty Salon & Supplies
  10. Academie Versailles De Maquillage-D’esthetique-De Company

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long is cosmetology school?

You can attend cosmetology schools in Ottawa full time or part-time. Usually, it takes about a year and a half for students who have other obligations.

However, on a full-time basis, you can graduate just between 8 to 9 months.

What are the requirements for cosmetology schools?

Different states in Canada have different requirements. The two basic requirements which you must try to meet are:

  • You must be at least 16 years of age.
  • You must have graduated from high school or have an equivalent diploma or degree—unless you’re in a program offered by a high school, as we mentioned previously.

What are the qualities of a successful Cosmetology student?

They have positive personalities.
They are very inquisitive, especially about new trends.
They have good physical stamina.

How much does cosmetology schools cost?

Cosmetology schools in Ottawa, just like other educational institutions are expected to pay fees. The average tuition of cosmology schools ranges from $6,500 to $10,000 or more, with the actual amount depending largely on location.

Unlike classes at a college or university where you just go sit and listen to lectures, cosmetology school has mostly hands-on classes, which means that you have to pay for the additional supplies used.

Can I take cosmetology courses online?

Most cosmetology schools offer online classes but the danger is that it might be a problem getting your license because the majority of training in cosmetology schools are hands-on, but through the online platform, you might not be trained well.

In-classroom work enables the instructors to better evaluate student skills and techniques to offer more constructive advice

Can I get students loans in Cosmetology schools?

There are so many options out there that can adequately help you fund your education. There are federal education loans that offer career training smart option student loans for professional training and trade certificate courses. Also,  federal loans, state loans, and a myriad of grants are available.

What are some of the things to learn in a cosmetology school?

  • General Safety and Sanitation Procedures
  • Client Services
  • Hair Styling
  • Facials, Make-up and Hair Removal
  • Manicuring and Pedicuring
  • Professional, Legal, and Ethics
  • Hair Coloring and Highlighting
  • Hair Cutting and Shaping
  • Permanent Waving and Chemical Relaxing


Here are some articles related to cosmetology schools in Ottawa:

In Conclusion:

A successful cosmetologist must be detail-oriented and must form the habit of listening to their clients. If you want to keep your customers coming, then you must give your clients the look they want. Ensure you keep up with the latest hair and makeup products to give your clients the very best.

However, becoming a cosmetologist or attending the cosmetology schools in Ottawa can be challenging but if you find joy in being creative and love to beautify people, then cosmetology schools in Ottawa are for you. All the best !!

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