A lot of people all over the world want to advance their careers or even improve their knowledge but do not have the required funds for it. Do you feel you belong to this category of people? Then you may want to check out these united nations free online certificate courses.
The United Nations has created free courses online that offer certificates, upon completion, for free, to help people who wish to improve their skills and advance their careers but do not have the funds to do this.
About The United Nations
The United Nations is a global organization that works with countries, organizations, and individuals to solve international problems.
The United Nations (UN) is an international organization founded in 1945 with the primary aim of facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, and human rights. The United Nations has so many subsidiary specialized agencies, including the International Labour Organization (ILO).
The United Nations was founded in June 1945, but it did not become an official organization until its founding charter was ratified in October 1945 after it was signed by 51 countries. Since then, it has helped create many new laws and treaties that promote peace, security, and development around the world.
The United Nations has six principal organs:
- The General Assembly
- The Security Council
- The Economic and Social Council
- The Trusteeship Council
- The Secretariat
- The International Court of Justice
The United Nations consists of 193 members, all of which are sovereign states. Its headquarter is in New York City and has signed more than 1000 treaties and agreements since its founding.
The UN has over 7500 employees working in different areas like peacekeeping missions and humanitarian aid programs.
The UN also runs many programs to help people around the world better understand each other’s cultures and values as well as how we can work together to solve common problems such as poverty, disease, hunger, and war.
The United Nations also plays an important role in maintaining international peace and stability. The UN works with other countries to resolve conflict situations that arise between them through diplomacy or military action.
The UN also helps prevent wars from breaking out by providing humanitarian aid to people affected by political unrest or natural disasters.
The UN provides free online courses for anyone who wants to learn more about what the United Nations does or how it works.
Reasons For the United Nations Free Online Certificate Courses
The United Nations is one of the largest and most influential organizations in the world today. The UN has been involved in various fields including education, health care, and peacekeeping.
The UN free online certificate courses were developed by the United Nations as part of its efforts to strengthen the capacity of individuals, communities, and organizations around the world.
There are lots of reasons for the development of the free online certificate courses by the United Nations and some of these reasons include:
1. To give learners a solid foundation in UN concepts and principles through interactive lessons.
2. To help you learn about the organization and its role in global peace, security, development, and human rights.
3. To serve as an introduction for those who want to learn more about how they can contribute to the work of the United Nations through volunteering or other activities.
4. To help students who are interested in pursuing a career as an educator or social worker. These courses will equip them with all the knowledge they need to excel in their field of study.
About the free online certification courses
The UN Foundation has announced that it will offer free online courses on global health issues and sustainability.
The move is part of a broader effort by the UN to reach more people around the world. The foundation said it hopes to expand its programs into developing countries by offering more “digital skills” training and other educational opportunities.
The online courses, which will be offered in partnership with Coursera, an online education platform, will be available in various languages according to the foundation’s website.
The courses include modules on topics such as child rights, climate change, food security, education, and gender equality. They also include modules on community development, human rights, and sustainable development.
These courses are designed for learners who have little or no prior knowledge about the United Nations, its history, its goals, or its operations.
The free online courses are broken down into chapters that cover different topics:
- Introduction
Learn about the UN’s history and its role in today’s world
- Certification Guide
This chapter provides information on what the UN requires before granting a certificate
- How To Get Certified
This chapter tells you how to apply for certification, what happens once it has been granted, and what happens if you don’t pass your exam.
- Additional Resources
You’ll find links to other websites which offer similar courses or other resources related to this topic.
The courses are meant to be taken at your own pace and include video lectures, quizzes, and hands-on activities.
The courses are completely free and flexible, so there is no reason not to take them!
The List of Top United Nations Free Online Certificate Courses
There are various courses available covering a wide variety of topics including child rights, climate change, food security, education, gender equality, and lots more.
Here is a list of free online certificate courses you can enroll for:
International Organizations Management
- Course Link
- Offered by the Université de Genève
- Reset deadlines according to your schedule
- Shareable certificate upon completion
- 100% Online
- Beginner Level
- About 18 hours for completion
- Language: English
This course aims to provide its learners with an introduction to the United Nations and International Organizations, and also to analyze how tools of business and management can be used to achieve effective results in these settings.
The syllabus will include some examples of international organizations, the history of international organizations, the United Nations charter, the governance system of the United Nations, how to build a marketing plan, and lots more.
Social Norms, Social Change
- Offered by the University of Pennsylvania
- Reset deadlines according to your schedule
- Shareable certificate upon completion
- 100% Online
- Beginner Level
- About 13 hours for completion
- Language: English
- Course Link
This course teaches you how to analyze social norms and how to differentiate social norms from social constructs.
Upon completion of this course, some of the skills you stand to gain include Research Methods, Education, Social Psychology, and lots more.
The syllabus will include what empirical expectations are, the basic foundation of normative expectations, social norms, measurement of norms, ignorance – pluralistic, and lots more.
Global Diplomacy: the United Nations in the World
- Offered by the University of London, SOAS University of London
- Reset deadlines according to your schedule
- Shareable certificate upon completion
- 100% Online
- Beginner Level
- About 12 hours for completion
- Language: English
- Link to Course
This course aims at teaching you the introduction to the United Nations’ complex family and history, and functions of the UN, and also help you to develop different skills including communication skills, policy-based skills, and so on.
The syllabus will include how human rights are placed in international politics, the way the UN Security Council works, how the UN security council responds to crises, the history of the UN, agencies of the UN, power relative issues in international institutions, and lots more.
The Changing Global Order
- Offered by the Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands
- Reset deadlines according to your schedule
- Shareable certificate upon completion
- 100% Online
- Intermediate Level
- About 30 hours for completion
- Language: English
- Course Link
This course aims at giving you an understanding of the main theories of international relations, enlightening you on the gradual changes in the global order, and how some organizations, international and regional, contribute to the promotion of global peace and security.
The syllabus will include International Relations theories, power politics, the history of China’s rise, the role of some countries in the present global order, conflicts, how to resolve conflicts, the role of the European Union in global affairs, International arena – NATO, and lots more.
The Sustainable Development Goals – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future
- Offered by the University of Copenhagen
- Reset deadlines according to your schedule
- Shareable certificate upon completion
- 100% Online
- Beginner Level
- About 10 hours for completion
- Language: English
- Course Link
This course aims to give you an overview of how sustainability has been understood, an introduction to sustainable development goals – definition, their measure of progress, and the relevance of the sustainable development goals to the management of global systems that support humanity.
The course will also analyze how different societal sectors are reacting to and executing the sustainable development goals.
The syllabus will include what exactly is sustainable development as a global goal, how the impact of humans on the natural world can be managed, how to accomplish social sustainability and the way forward.
Asides from these courses listed above, you can also pick a course from any of these other platforms:
International Labour Organization (ILO)
The courses by the ILO are formulated to help understand child labor and the role of the ILO in putting an end to child labor.
See the training tools and list of courses available.
African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP)
The African Institute for Economic Development and Planning is a subsidiary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).
See the online courses platform.
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
The courses by ECLAC are formulated to learn about development in different countries, and in turn, build their professional skills in areas related to the commission’s work.
See the training platform.
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
The courses by ESCAP are formulated to help in increasing their institutional capacity when it comes to addressing challenges that hinder development and also share technical knowledge in a way that Asia and the Pacific accomplish the development agenda for 2030.
See the training programs.
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCA)
The courses by the ESCWA are formulated to help expand the knowledge of different disciplines including climate change, sustainable development agenda for 2030, and urban development.
See the online courses portal.
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
The courses by the FAO are formulated for professionals who are in the food and nutrition, socio-economic development, and management of natural resources fields, to help strengthen their capacities for achieving the sustainable development agenda for 2030.
See the online academy.
United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC)
The courses by HRC are formulated to help understand how the Human Rights Council works and its mechanisms.
See the online courses tool.
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
The courses by IAEA are formulated to help understand the development of sustainable energy, nuclear safety and security, nuclear application uses, radiation protection, and lots more.
See the training platform.
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
The courses by the IFAD are formulated to enlighten people on the development issues in rural areas and the agricultural sector.
See the online courses platform.
International Maritime Organizations (IMO)
This course aims at educating anyone interested in gaining knowledge about key maritime issues and “An Introduction to Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response, and Cooperation”.
See the online courses platform.
How To Apply For The United Nations Free Online Certificate Courses
The process for applying for any of these courses is online. You just need to visit the website of any of the programs listed above and click on the signup button.
Who Can Apply For The United Nations Free Online Certificate Courses?
Most, if not all, of these courses are open to everyone. There is no age limit, country specification, or payment required.
If you have an interest in any of the fields of study, you should go ahead and register for the free online certificate courses.
As I said, these courses are completely free and flexible, so there is no reason not to take them! Check out how to study smart in these 10 best and outstanding steps.